Big things of Australia Map


This colourful and easy-to-use map of Australia is the only map on the market featuring a full list of the big things of Australia and includes Hema’s top 30 icons prominently displayed on the map plus a description of each on the reverse side of the map.


This colourful and easy-to-use map of Australia is the only map on the market featuring a full list of the big things of Australia and includes Hema’s top 30 icons prominently displayed on the map plus a description of each on the reverse side of the map.

See how many you can tick off on your big lap!

Key Features

  • Full list of ‘Big Things’ of Australia plotted on the Hema Map
  • Hema’s top 30 ‘Big Things’ prominently displayed on the map with detailed information on the reverse side
  • Backdrop is a colourful Hema Australia map
  • Unique family friendly map

Key Specifications

Edition: 1st

Publication Date: 01/05/22

Scale: 1:4,500,000

Folded size: 146 x 250 x 6

Flat size: 1000 x 875

Weight: 0.09 kgs